Read this if you have a weak core.
Mar 29, 2023
Are you one of the many people who is going through life with weak core muscles? It's very common and it's a problem. But often, it's not recognized as a big problem.
This is because weak core muscles often cause or contribute to physical pain and dysfunction. At this point, the "problem" is identified as lower back pain, lack of balance, poor posture or some other issue. In reality, these (and other) dysfunctions are symptoms of the real issue, which is weak core muscles.
The muscles of the torso are some of the most important skeletal muscles in the entire body. Most movements start or pass through the core. These muscles also play a big role in the shape and structure of the body. This is also known as posture.
Since weak core muscles are so common and so debilitating, we have built our entire business on helping our clients increase their core strength. We have created 2 core strength programs that will help you strengthen your core in as little as 1 hour a week.
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